Timeless Teachings in a Changing World
The Residential Program is a live-in program designed to provide learning opportunities and hands on life skills to young men ages 17-21. Building from our years of experience, we have tailored our program to address specific goals. Our program is a full time, live-in situation. Each day there are specific routines we work to establish such as waking at a regular time, performing basic personal care routines, cooking, cleaning up after themselves including doing their own laundry, helping with cooking and doing dishes and all the other basic household care jobs.
We have developed courses that teach life skills such as personal finance, basic etiquette, resume writing and job interviewing. By including these we hope to instill a solid foundation for each young man so he can excel as an individual in whatever career path he chooses.
We have projects every day that help develop particular skill sets. Projects include but are not limited to building projects, welding, heavy equipment operating , fence building, trail cutting and basic mechanics. A significant amount of time is spent outdoors on the ranch. We have observed for years there is enormous personal benefit when young men spend time outdoors.